Ams & Youths arrive on Tiree

With registration now complete we are looking forward to a great week of windsurfing on Tiree.The Pro's have been out competing all day but back at HQ we have had a grand total of 22 youths sign up to RYA Scotland's wave camp. We can not express how happy we are about this! The camp will offer advanced instruction and time with the world's pro windsurfers to help develop the next generation of competitors!

We are extremely excited to be here on Tiree at the wave classic, Our aim for the youth camp is to have a fun filled week developing the skills of our young attendees and giving them the chance to windsurf on some of the most iconic beaches in the UK. We have hand picked a professional team of coaches from across the UK to cover a wide variety of skills and abilities in the youth camp.Robin Nicol - Tiree Youth Camp co-ordinator, Regional development officer,  RYA Scotland

The Ams are pumped and heading to the Maze. DSC_0771 DSC_0827


Day 2 2015 - Competition Kicks off!


Day 1 2015 - Surfs up.